
Sunday, January 10, 2010


Last night I slept in the kids room in Isaac's bed. Him and Brayden were sort of camping out in the living room so it was just Kiersten and me in the kid's room. This morning my alarm went off and of course I hit the snooze button, the third time I hit the snooze button I thought I better get up or I am going to make us all late for church. Just then Kiersten gets out of bed and walks over to me and asks Can I lay with you? Of course I am just about to get up and take a shower so I say no because I need to take a shower and get ready for church and she needs to eat breakfast and get ready for church. Cheerily she says OK and starts to walk away. On second thought, what's better than cuddling with your niece?!?! So even though I know we are going to be late I say OK, you can get in bed with me. It made both of our days! She is so talkative first thing in the morning. Ten minutes later I reluctantly tell her it's time for us to get ready and race into the shower. Amazingly I was ready on time!! However, we were still late because all morning Brayden was screaming I don't want to go to church!! It was a fight to get him ready and out the door and Kelly was even the one getting him ready (she doesn't go to church with us). Brayden was fussy the whole way and all I was thinking was great, his number is going to flash on the screen as soon as we sit down. We get to church and my mom takes Brayden to his classroom and I take Kiersten and Isaac to theirs. As we are trekking up the stairs Kiersten looks at me and says You are on bed rest. You should have taken the elevator. You better take the elevator down! I giggle and think my goodness, I even have an eight year old telling me what to do, but it's cute. So on the way back I took the elevator down. The service was great!! One of those ones where you know he is speaking DIRECTLY to you and to no one else in the room. I left feeling both convicted and energized. I suppose that's a pretty good combination. Brayden's number never flashed on the screen either!! This time my mom went to get Kiersten and Isaac and I went to get Brayden. When I got there he is all smiles and enthusiastically tells me, My didn't cry Brandy, My didn't cry!! Good I tell him I am so proud of you and give him a big hug.

On the way home I tell my mom I am starving and ask her to make me fried potatoes, eggs and toast when we get home. She said ok. I was like really?!?! It's that easy? Man I wish I was on bed rest all the time and she always cooked me breakfast. Ha. Ha. Although, when we get home I am feeling guilty and ask her what she will let me do to help. So I did end up frying the eggs on a hot plate while sitting down. It was kind of funny. I have never cooked sitting down before! We had a really good family brunch, minus Kelly because she was sound asleep when we got home, but it was really nice to sit around with my family and have brunch. Sean wasn't there either, unfortunately he was at work. Family time is always nice, even if the whole family isn't there.

In a little over an hour my husband will be here and I am quite excited because I have not seen him since Thursday night. The weekends aren't so great for spending time with each other. Especially with me being on bed rest ans staying at my mom's. He wants me stay out here so that I am not alone and being taken care of. He doesn't come out here between jobs because we would both rather that he goes home and gets as much sleep as he can. But it's Sunday and he will be here soon!!!!

Boston has dropped. My stomach looks dramatically smaller now. It's really funny. I would think I would be looking huge right about now, but people keep telling me how small I look. Today I even had someone ask me if I had already given birth, but she just hadn't heard yet. When I told her nope, he's still in there her eyes got so big and she said you look so much smaller now. I sure don't feel small when I need to bend down and pick something up! Lol.

So for now I am still patiently/impatiently awaiting Boston's arrival!


  1. I remember feeling enormous with Elizabeth (my first) and people would tell me I was tiny. I was like, really? Do you know I gained 50 pounds and measure normally? People said that at my baby shower the day of her due date when I had contractions the entire day and went in that night to have her the next afternoon. Was she small. Um, no. She was 9# 2oz. HUGE. (I should note that I had a c-section.)
    Glad your husband will be home soon. It's hard to be apart, but great to have good jobs.

  2. It sounds like you had a great time at church! I am so glad you are almost to the end of your term. I couldn't help thinking, though, when Lila was a newborn how I wished I could have just a few more weeks to SLEEP! It will be great though when Boston gets here (lack of sleep included). It is such an incredible feeling the first time you see your baby!
