
Saturday, February 6, 2010

A little catch up....

Everytime I think I am going to post an entry something happens to keep me from doing so.....well, no tonight. I just fed, changed and put Boston to sleep so I am taking FULL advantage of my free moments to post an entry!! We had our appointment at the children's hospital. It was on Tuesday February 2nd at 9:45 am. I have a ladies bible study on Monday nights that doesn't get over until 8 pm so that meant we woke up at 4 am on Tuesday so we could be on the road by 5 am. I was thinking that we were leaving a little early, but I ate my words and I was glad Sean wanted to leave so early because we got to the hospital at 9:40. It was pretty perfect timing!! At the hospital the nurse weighed, measured and took Boston's blood pressure with the cutest little foot cuff I have ever seen! Then the student doctor (I can't remember her name) came in and asked all about our family history then checked Boston's entire body for any bruising and then went to talk to Dr. Pendergrass. Both the student doctor and Dr. Pendergrass returned in about five minutes to tell us that although Boston does have the bleeding disorder we will have to return to Seattle in June or July to have him tested again because they don't know how accurate the Von Willebrand Factors and the Factor VIII levels are when the test is done right after birth. Since he had just gone through a huge trauma the factor levels could be at their all time highest levels, but they could also be at their all time lowest levels or some where in the middle. We then asked what that meant for getting the circumcision because our pediatrician, Dr. Patillo wanted to know more before he would do the procedure. Dr. Pendergrass had to call the Puget Sound Blood Center and speak with them before he could tell us. One really long day later Dr. Pendergrass called to say that Boston would need a dose of Humate-P one hour before the procedure and then another dose 36 hours after the surgery. Boston will have to be admitted to Kadlec for the procedure and stay for 24 hours so they can observe him, but Dr. Patillo said he would be willing to perform the circumcision as long as it was scheduled before Boston turned one month old. After a month a urologist would have to do the procedure. Dr. Pendergrass also said that instead of the usual method of using a scalpel to remove the skin they would use the Bell Method because it would cause less bleeding, which is a good thing for a person with a bleeding disorder! Luckily for us Dr. Patillo was able to schedule us in at 6am on Tuesday the 9th. We'll be in the Pediatric Wing at Kadlec and we are very confident in the team of doctors who are working together to make this a success! Dr. Patillo is also giving us a prescription for Humate-P so that we can have it ready at home, just in case after the second dose Boston starts bleeding again for some reason. If we need to take him to the emergency room we will be prepared with what we need. (Hospitals don't have Humate-P on hand and it would have to be ordered in from Seattle.) It's very unlikely that we will need the third dose, but it's better to be safe!! Prayers for a successful surgery and quick recovery would be very much appreciated, as would prayers that our insurance companies would cove most of, if not all of the procedure. Dr. Patillo warned us that our insurance companies may deny the claim because this is an optional procedure. I sure hope not!!

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